Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Welsh Stone Skimming

Stone Skimming/Skipping has been covered before on Strange Games but Welsh correspondent Mark Davies (or Davies the Stone as he is known locally) has brought to my attention the inaugural Welsh Stone Skimming Championships. These will be held on 12th August in Castle Pond, Pembroke. Welsh Stone Skimming (carega yn crychneidio?) follows closely the rules of the World Championships that are held in

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Seal Racing #2

After my previous post on Seal Racing I received an e-mail from Sonia Gund, a Strange Games reader who also does research into Inuit culture, and she kindly pointed out that Seal Racing as she has seen it played on Baffin Island is slightly different. In fact it's a much harder game. She also generously provided a photograph she has taken.Sonia Gund: The form of seal racing I've seen on Baffin

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Seal Racing

The greatest childhood chants and games are often based upon real life events and environments. Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses' genesis in the years of the European Plague is well known; less known about is the English chair shortage of 1673 that gave us Musical Chairs.But, one of the the best strange games inspired by it's environment is the Inuit game of Seal Racing. All players lie stomach down on the

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ikusimmiaq - Elbow Racing

Recent posts on Strange Games about Victorian Street Games (especially Crocodile's Food) have reminded me of an Inuit children's game that would fit perfectly in either those past times or even better as a more interesting alternative to Bear Racing at school sports day.To play Ikusimmiaq, or Elbow Racing, simply crouch down on your knees, place both elbows on the ground and both hands over your

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Swimming in Bluewater

Another of Mr Jolley's highly unusual Victorian Street games is one called Swimming in Bluewater. I have just finished giving it a trial play with Mrs Blister and some members of her Womens' Institute group and confidently predict it will soon be clutched to the hearts of strange games enthusiasts everywhere.Get all players into teams of two. One member of each pair bends down, holding their

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Frogs & Crocodile's Food

My recent posts about medieval games encouraged Mr Jolley (Strange Games' South of England Correspondent) to send me some descriptions of, what can only be described as, some extremely bizarre Victorian street games. Frogs & Crocodile's Food is one such game. A race game for teams of two players. One player bends over, holding his knees, forming a traditional 'frog', his team mate now leapfrogs

Friday, July 6, 2007

Crazy Stair Climbing

Back to games from more modern times and the childish stupidity (but fun) that is Crazy Stair Climbing. Crazy Stair Climbing is the perfect name for what appears to be a more mobile branch of the well documented and inspired sport of House Gymnastics. All that is required is a narrow stairwell with metal banister rails on each side and some imagination. A variety of methods can be used to

Monday, July 2, 2007

Strange Games with Fire #3:Balance, Burn & Splash

My previous post has led to a number of readers asking for more games to play at what seem to be increasingly popular children's medieval-themed parties. Extensive research has unearthed a gem of a game I will call Balance, Burn and Splash. It is hardly an overstatement to say that this game is due a revival as it probably hasn't been played in the last 200 years. To play simply place a narrow