Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chair Wars~a possible trial game for London 2012 Olympics

The UK's continuing success in sailing and cycling events at the Beijing Olympics has led to Australian comments that 'the UK only do well at sporting events where you have to sit down'However, not only does the UK triumph in all the sitting down events it invents the best ones too.Strange Games is honoured to write about Chair Wars.Chair Wars is a bizarre attempt to marry Skateboarding and

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Eye Shoe Shirella~chant for playing Spectacular Deaths

If, like me, you still enjoy the odd game of Spectacular Deaths (fall down on the ground and pretend to die in the most spectacular/gruesome/humorous way possible) then you may be interested in this recently discovered,charming, chanted intro to the game. Simply shout out the rhyme...then fall down and expire after the "like this". Probably not the best game to play amongst total strangers who

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Strange Games receives many an email containing lines like this, "Montegue, my child is having a party and says he doesn't want any of those 'boring, cliched, idiotic old-fashioned party games'...what can I do? My son is 5"One answer is Bagheads...disorientation, humiliation and the odd bruise in one complete party game package. To play simply give all the partygoers an opaque paper bag (grocery

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Chinese Knitting

Trick games are a superb way to have fun whilst annoying enemies and losing friends, and Chinese Knitting is one of the best. To play you need access to some meadow grass - the ideal variety is one in which the seed heads are quite loose and will come off easily if pulled. Pick two stems of grass (with the stems being about six inches in length) and reverse one so that the seed head of one rests