Thursday, June 28, 2012

Download Hitman 4 Blood Money RIP | IDWS

Kali ini saya akan share salah satu game favorit saya. Namanya Hitman 4 Blood Money. Game ini menceritakan kita sebagai agen bernama 47 melakukan misi-misi untuk membunuh beberapa target secara diam-diam. Saya sendiri telah beberapa kali menamatkan game ini. Game ini memiliki grafis yang baik dan juga tidak memerlukan spesifikasi komputer yang tinggi untuk dapat memainkanya. Tertarik..? Lihat dulu screenshotnya, dan bisa langsung disedot di link idws dibawah..!


Download Hitman 4 Blood Money | IDWS | 270 MB
pass: cybergomez

See Also:

Download Driv3r RIP | IDWS

DRIV3R | IDWS | 450 MB
Setelah sebelumnya memposting game GTA 3, kini saya akan kembali share game yang hampir mirip dengan GTA 3 yang bernama Driv3r. Pada game ini, kita akan menjalankan misi-misi yang cukup seru. Untuk grafis, game ini sudah sangat bagus dan didukung 3d. Walaupun begitu, Driv3r ini tidak juga membutuhkan spesifikasi khusus. Tertarik..? Lihat dulu screenshotnya dan bisa langsung di download di bawah...!


Download Driv3r Full RIP | IDWS | 450 MB
pass: cybergomez

See Also

Download Armageddon Riders RIP | IDWS

Armageddon Riders | IDWS | 230 MB
Hai bro..! lagi iseng-iseng nyari game balap, nemunya game yang satu ini. Namanya Armagedon Riders. Jadi game ini menceritakan kita harus menabrak zombie-zombie yang menyerang kota. Menurut saya, game ini cukup seru dan wajib punya deh...! Masalah grafis, game ini pun sangat memuaskan. Spesifikasi minimalnya RAM 1 Gb, VGA 256 MB dan Procesor pentium 4 2.0 Ghz. Cukup ringan bukan,...? So, langsung aja bisa didownload di link dibawah..!

Download Armageddon Riders RIP | IDWS | 230 MB
pass : cybergomez

See Also:

Download Comand & Conquer General RIP | IDWS

Comand & Conquer General | IDWS | 183 MB
Hi..! Siang ini saya akan share game bergenre strategi yang bernama Comand & Conquer General. Game ini memang sudah banyak dikenal di kalangan gamers-gamers pecinta game strategi. Selain dikarenakan gameplay-nya yang seru, comand & Conquer General ini juga memiliki grafis yang sangat mendukung. dan tentunya game ini pun tidak terlalu berat. Bagi agan-agan yang mempunyai speak komputer yang biasa-biasa saja, game yang satu ini tentunya sangat direkomendasikan. So, bisa langsung didownload di link dibawah..!


Download Comand & Conquer General | IDWS | 183 MB
pass: cybergomez

See Also:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Download European Street Racing RIP | IDWS

Kali ini saya kembali share game bergenre Racing bernama European Street Racing atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama ESR. Game ini ga terlalu berat, dan grafisnya pun aduhai. Untuk gameplay, ESR ini memang sudah terkenal akan permainannya yang seru dan mantab. So, bisa langsung disedot di link dibawah...!

Download ESR RIP Indowebster
pass: cybergomez



Download Bad Boys II RIP | IDWS

Bad Boys II RIP | IDWS | 250 MB

Bad Boys 2 merupakan game bergenre Adventure yang didasari oleh film dengan judul yang sama. Game ini mempunyai spesifikasi yang tidak khusus, alias ringan dan didukung grafis yang bagus. Untuk gameplay, Bad Boys II ini sangat seru, sayang deh jika ga punya. So, langsung aja didownload di link dibawah..!


Download Bad Boys II Link IDWS Size 250 MB
Pass: cybergomez


Download GTA 3 Portable | Indowebster

GTA 3 Portable | IDWS | 230 MB

Bagi agan-agan gamers pasti ga asing dengan game yang satu ini. Namanya GTA 3 versi Portable. Menurut saya, game ini cukup seru, dan hampir sama dengan GTA Vice City. Grafisnya pun lumayan dan cukup ringan. Sama dengan GTA lainnya, GTA 3 ini juga dilengkapi dengan beberapa cheat. So, bisa langsung didownload di link dibawah..!

System Requirement :
Pentium III 450 CPU
16MB Direct3D Video Card
Fully DirectX compatible Sound Card
8X CD-Rom
500MB free hard disk space
Win 98/ME/2000/XP
Direct X 8.1


Download GTA III Portable | Link IDWS | Size 130 MB
pass: cybergomez


Download Urban Freestyle Soccer RIP - IDWS

Urban Freestyle Soccer IDWS | 195 MB
Bagi penggemar sepak bola, khususnya freestyle harus coba game yang satu ini. Namanya Urban Freestyle Soccer. Game ini cukup seru, didukung grafis yang mantab ditambah game ini ringan dan sizenya ga terlalu besar. Sangat pas buat agan-agan yang speak kompinya rendah. Tertarik..? Langsung didownload di link dibawah..!
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium 3 @ 500 MHz
Memory Ram: 128 Mb
Hard Disk Space: 160 Mb free
Video: 32 Mb
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0


 Download Urban Freestyle Soccer RIP | IDWS | 195 MB
pass: cybergomez

Thx 4 Downloading..!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Download Worm 4 Mayhem RIP Indowebster

Worm 4 Mayhem | Indowebster | 142 MB
Hi..! Kali ini saya akan share game bergenre 3D Shooter bernama Worm 4 Mayhem. Game ini tidak membutuhkan spesifikasi khusus, alias ringan. Grafisnya pun lumayan. Dan yang membuat game ini diminati oleh para gamers adalah gameplay-nya yang seru dan lucu. So, langsung didownload di link dibawah..!


Download Worm 4 Mayhem Link Indowebster Size 142 MB
Pass: cybergomez 


Download Pirates of Caribbean Indowebster Full RIP

Pirates Of Caribbean RIP - 138 MB
Hai sob! Kali ini saya akan share game bergenre fighting adventure bernama Pirates of Caribbean - At World's End. Game yang satu ini cukup ringan dan tidak membutuhkan spesifikasi khusus. Dari segi grafis, game ini bisa dibilang cukup memuaskan. Bisa dilihat di screenshotnya. So, langsung aja disedot di link dibawah oke...!


Download Pirates of Caribbean - At Worlds End | Indowebster 
Pass: cybergomez



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Download Teracopy 2.12 Mediafire

Hai bro, kali ini saya akan share sebuah program yang tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi, namanya Teracopy 2.12. Sesuai namanya, fungsi dari software ini adalah mempercepat proses copy file pada pc/laptop anda. Sangat berguna bagi agan-agan sekalian yang mempunyai spek pc rendah. Tampilan dari Teracopy ini sangat baik dan user friendly, mudah digunakan serta sizenya tidak terlalu besar. Selain dapat mempercepat proses copy file, software ini juga lebih "secure" dalam proses copy file dibandingkan dengan bawaan windows. So, tunggu apa lagi? langsung bisa didownload di link dibawah...!


Download Teracopy 2.12 Link Mediafire Size 2 MB
Pass: cybergomez

Thanks 4 Downloading...!
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Download RocketDock 1.3.5 Full Version

Hallo..! Di posting pertama saya di bulan Juni, kali ini saya akan share program yang keren, namanya Rocket Dock. Udah pada tau..? Bagi yang belum, Rocket Dock merupakan software yang fungsinya mempercantik tampilan ikon-ikon pada dekstop pc/laptop agan-agan sekalian. Keren kan..? Jadi, dengan rocket dock, ikon-ikon dekstop anda akan ditampilkan dengan sentuhan animasi yang keren. Anda pasti puas dengan software yang satu ini. Ga lengkap rasanya jika pc/laptop anda tidak memiliki Rocket Dock, karena rocket dock merupakan software wajib bagi agan-agan sekalian. Tertarik..? Lihat dulu screenshotnya, dan bisa langsung disedot di link dibawah…!

Tampilan RocketDock Pada PC Anda

Download Rocket Dock 1.3.5 Full Version Mediafire
Pass: cybergomez

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Multiple versions of the same painting

It is interesting that throughout art history we can find one artist who will paint multiple versions of the same painting- why is this?  There are many reasons but usually the first version of the painting was so successful that the artist had received another commission.  Let's look at several well known versions of the same theme by the same artist.

1483, Louvre (left) and 1506, The National Gallery (London) (right) 
The Virgin of the Rocks, Leonardo da Vinci 

Leonardo da Vinci created this new type of Madonna and Child painting when he first moved to Milan.  The figures aren't seated on a throne or a chair, but enclosed in a unique landscape which seems otherworldly.  The Virgin Mary puts her arm around the infant St. John the Baptist as he is given the sign of benediction by the infant Christ while being watched over by an angel.  A foreshadowing to Christ's baptism by St. John can be seen in the body of water in the foreground.  Leonardo is here using several techniques he is famous for: chiaroscuro (modeling form with lights and darks), sfumato (using this glazes of paint like smoke) and the use of atmospheric perspective in the blue-gray landscape in the distant background.  The gestures, colors and forms all act as symbols as Leonardo took great care to copy this painting nearly exactly in the second version.

Why two versions of this painting?  The web site of the Louvre museum has a good hypothesis regarding the two versions of Leonardo's Virgin of the Rocks.  The following text is taken from the website and was written by Séverine Laborie:

"The Louvre version of the picture was to have been the central part of a polyptych which the Brotherhood of the Immaculate Conception commissioned Leonardo and the de Predis brothers to paint for a chapel in the church of San Francesco Grande in Milan in 1483. The other version, now in the National Gallery in London and known to have formerly been in this chapel, and several archive documents indicate that the Louvre painting was never installed there. Its presence in the French royal collection is attested from1627, but several clues suggest it may have been acquired much earlier.

The most convincing hypothesis is that the picture, painted between 1483 and 1486, did not meet with Leonardo’s clients’ full satisfaction, which enabled Louis XII to acquire it around 1500−1503. The second, replacement picture, now in London, may have been painted by Ambrogio de Predis under Leonardo’s supervision between 1495 and 1508."

                1528, Metropolitan Museum of Art (left) and 1530, St. Louis Art Museum (right)
 The Judgment of Paris, Lucas Cranach the Elder 

German artist Lucas Cranach the Elder was a court painter in Saxony and above we see two versions of The Judgment of Paris.  This told a story from the start of the Trojan War where the shepherd Paris had to judge which of three Greek goddesses was the most beautiful.  Cranach made several versions of this theme, he depicts the goddess as young and lithe (if proportionally inaccurate) and shows Paris dressed as a Renaissance man.  This was a popular theme for a few reasons: it showed the patron was educated and had knowledge of the classics and it depicted beautiful women.  Yet there was another reason this story was popular among Cranach’s patrons.  The Metropolitan Museum of Art states on their website:

“Just as the emperor Augustus had claimed descent from Aeneas, a son of Venus, so many Italian princes traced their ancestry to the participants in the Trojan War or sought to equate their own accomplishments with the deeds of these heroes.”*

Patrons wanted to tie themselves to the events portrayed in either a painting or sculpture and so commissioned a well known historic or mythological theme from an artist.

 Supper at Emmaus, Caravaggio, 1601, The National Gallery (London)

The Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio has a few examples of multiple versions of the same painting.  His two versions of Christ's Supper at Emmaus are unique in this blog entry as being quite different from one another.

A Roman nobleman Ciriaco Mattei, commissioned the earlier version (above) in 1601.  In this first version Caravaggio pays as much attention to the detailed still-life objects on the table as to his figures.  The gestures that each figure makes are quite theatrical, Christ is shown as clean shaven and this version is not as dark.  In fact a figure casts a shadow that seems to represent a halo over the head of Christ.  While this is a well done painting, it isn't as realistic as his later version.

The second version of this painting was done after Caravaggio committed murder and fled to Naples.  Today it hangs in the Brera Gallery in Milan where I was fortunate enough to have recently seen it, in fact I spent quite a long time sitting in front of this painting.  This later version is more somber and powerful for the viewer, the figures appear in a naturalistic way rather than as having been posed dramatically for the scene.  The sobering changes in the artist's own life are clearly reflected in this work, done in 1606.

Supper at Emmaus, Caravaggio, 1606, Brera Gallery, Milan

Vanitas Still-Life, Pieter Claesz                                                              Vanitas Still-Life, Pieter Claesz     
1630, Mauritshuis, Holland                                                               1656, Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna

Seventeenth century Dutch painter Pieter Claesz was a prolific artist who specialized in the Vanitas painting.  In Latin Vanitas means vanity and the Vanitas painting uses symbols to reflect on mortality.  The message for the viewer was a reminder that while earthly life is fleeting, your soul is eternal. While variations of the Vanitas had been used for centuries, its rise in Dutch art coincided with a difficult time in the countries history.  The Twelve Years Truce with Spain ended in 1621 and much of the next decade was spent under siege.  In 1624 a plague swept through Holland, the plague returned in 1635 and struck most heavily in Leiden where over 14,000 died.  

The Vanitas painting became increasing popular through the 1620’s and went from being metaphorical to an allegory of death.  Symbols of mortality included: skulls, candles (both lit and extinguished), timepieces, extinguished oil lamps and empty hourglasses. Claesz painted many versions of Vanitas paintings as they were a popular style of painting and middle and upper class patrons were buying these from galleries to display in their homes.

 1638-43, Metropolitan Museum of Art (left) and 1640-45, Louvre, (right)
                                        The Penitent Magdalene, Georges de la Tour

 French artist Georges de la Tour paints another version of the Vanitas, the penitent Mary Magdalene reflecting on her sins.  He owed much of his style to that of Caravaggio and is considered a "Caravaggisti" or one of Caravaggio's stylistic followers.  de la Tour painted at least four versions of this work, The Repentant Magdalene, is now housed in the National Gallery of Art (DC) and The Magdalene with the Smoking Flame, at the LACMA.
This was typical for the artist, he also painted multiple versions of other themes during his career.

Like the Claesz paintings we have symbols of mortality, such as the skull and the candle.  There are also other symbols of earthly vanity such as jewelry.  Like Caravaggio he creates a somber mood with a strong light source, all four versions of this painting are illuminated by a single candle.  Though the earliest version is unique in that the flame of the candle is reflected in a mirror that Mary Magdalene looks into with a meditative gaze.  Like Pieter Claesz, Georges de la Tour was also selling his work for a broad market and therefore would paint additional versions of his paintings that were the most popular.

 Painting Gallery of Ancient Rome, Pannini, 1758, Louvre

Giovanni Paolo Pannini painted his famous pair of works: Painting Gallery of Ancient Rome and Painting Gallery of Modern Rome while he was the professor of perspective at the French Academy of Rome.  French painter Hubert Robert began working in his studio and Pannini was to become the biggest influence on his artistic style.  Pannini took on the role of a mentor for Robert and the younger artist proclaimed him to be the greatest painter of ruins in the world.  While under his supervision Robert assisted with the master’s well known first version of his paintings of imaginary gallery views of ancient and modern Rome, of which he would make several other versions.  The first version was commissioned in 1756 by the Comte de Stainville (the future Duc de Choiseul) who had himself and his friends painted into the scenes as visitors to the galleries.  This pair of paintings proved to be so popular with de Stainville that the year after he finished them Pannini created a second set of these paintings again for the Comte, now in the Louvre.  Robert himself owned a later third version of Pannini’s gallery view paintings as well as several other works by him.

 Painting Gallery of Ancient Rome, Pannini, 1756-57, Stuttgart, Germany

These are just a handful of examples of multiple versions of the same painting by the same artist, but many more can be found throughout history.